< Bear IT Design & Photography

IBear IT Design & Photography

Meet the Photographer

As a way to document my college studies in zoology and wildlife ecology, I began shooting nature photos. My Master's Degree research on Alaska brown bears led to an article and photographs in National Geographic Magazine. Since then, I've enjoyed shooting nature subjects throughout the world, both above and below the water.

Now that I've gone "digital" and retired from teaching, I hope to travel and shoot more than ever. My goal is to shoot natural subjects that enhance people's understanding and appreciation of our natural world.

I feel very fortunate to live in such a beautiful state, Idaho, which allows me to travel short distances to photograph nature's beauty. I hope you as the viewer, whether it be casual or photo buyer, find these shots interesting and enjoyable.

- Michael Luque

Note: The fisher (Martes pennanti} in photo 1 and the brown bear in photo 5 were tranquilized for research purposes.

Black Bear Cubs
Harbor Seal
©2006 Bear IT Design & Photography | 652 W Heikes Ln  Eagle, ID 83616 | 208.859.6272 | www.bearitdesign.com | michael@bearitdesign.com